Fall Sangria

My wife loves fall, and sangria. But she has never found a fall sangria that she likes.
So I decided to put on my product development hat, and fix that for her.
You know… for science.

What you’re really here for:

This actually came out super simply.

  • A Magnum (1.5L) of any cheap sweet white. I also tested this with the Relax Riesling, and it worked well.

  • A quart of Apple Cider, so half of that half gallon.

  • 1 cup Whiskey/Bourbon. I used Sons of Liberty’s Apple Whiskey.

  • 2-3 apples, sliced fairly thin. I’ve used Macintosh and Granny Smith. Both work but definitely gear the final flavor towards different pallets.

  • Cinnamon sticks, and whole Allspice. The key here is not ground. These are going to steep in the sangria.

    • 3 sticks of cinnamon

    • 1 Tablespoon of Allspice

  • Optional:

    • 1/2 cup of honey or maple syrup.

    • 1 bottle (750ml) of apple wine (I used Tapped Apple’s Apple Pie Wine, and that sealed the deal finally on version 3!)

    • 1 tsp whole cloves (about 5)

Put it all in a pitcher and let it sit overnight.

You may find yourself fishing some allspice out of the glass, if that bothers you, putting that and the cinnamon sticks in a cheesecloth bag will prevent that.

I put the coves in optional, because not everyone likes cloves. Personally I love them, but the wife does not.



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